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Address: 405 North Main Street Davidson NC 28036


Phone: 704-894-2374

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Davidson College is located north of Charlotte, North Carolina in the town of Davidson, and today enrolls approximately 1,700 men and women. This historic 450-acre campus is an excellent choice for the student who seeks a vigorous undergraduate education in a residential environment.
Davidson is a national leader on affordability initiatives, with need-blind admission and meeting 100 percent of demonstrated financial need with a combination of grants and student employment. Davidson was the first liberal arts college to eliminate the loan component in financial aid packages.
Academic Experience
Personal relationships with your professors and classes limited to 20 students allow for the development of creative, collaborative relationships resulting in a unique academic experience
Distinctly Davidson
A variety of options and opportunities set Davidson apart including its strong Honor Code, commitment to community service and Division I athletics
Fast Facts
Take a quick glance at facts and statistics about Davidson that define the college as a unique and exciting educational environment.
Moderate year round temperatures, located near the mountains, the beach, and the city of Charlotte, Davidson offers the best of all worlds.